Sorry to repeat myself, but I thought some of you might find an added video feature to my substack posts to be of interest. Who knows? These won’t be “how to play” tutorials per se, but I’ll try to touch on that a bit. To be honest, I don’t always know exactly what I’m playing. Don’t want to BS you. Like my brother Bob did back in the 1980s when he used to work in the produce/garden department of a supermarket that was owned by the grandparents (I think) of blues person Susan Tedeschi: Someone asked my brother what kind of plants those were he was watering. He replied, “Oh, these are Rocky Mountain Laurels. They’re very hearty and their flowers can be quite variegated, but require a quotient of sunlight amounting to blah, blah, blah…”
I overheard the whole thing. After the customer left I said, ““Jeez, Bob. How do you know so much about Rocky Mountain Laurel?”
He said, “I don’t. I don’t even know if there’s such a plant.”
“So, what the hell kind of plant is that?”
“How the hell should I know?”
So, don’t ask me if I play a sixth or ninth chord because the answer is yes.
If you folks are into the video added feature, I’ll keep doing them. Let me know.
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As always, take care of yourselves and those around you. And thanks for listening.
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