This is a newer song, yet to be released.
there's interest!
Beautiful. Sew/sow, that's terrific
I was a little heebie-jeebied to read that you were in Iowa, because I had just noted the Everly Brothers subvibe. Good, solid song that runs straight through, and fantastic nuances. Feels less like a performance and more like honesty in public.
That song is beautiful. Very much looking forward to whatever you do with that country album since I love so much of the Scud Mountain Boys material.
So wonderful. Thanks for Sharon. Memoing that song from earlier now…
yes , would love to see the different versions of a song!
there's interest!
Beautiful. Sew/sow, that's terrific
I was a little heebie-jeebied to read that you were in Iowa, because I had just noted the Everly Brothers subvibe. Good, solid song that runs straight through, and fantastic nuances. Feels less like a performance and more like honesty in public.
That song is beautiful. Very much looking forward to whatever you do with that country album since I love so much of the Scud Mountain Boys material.
So wonderful. Thanks for Sharon. Memoing that song from earlier now…
yes , would love to see the different versions of a song!